
Hope everyone had a happy new year.
Some drafts of environment related plans/vision are currently open for public comments.
When I discovered that the 7th strategic energy plan intends to eliminate the line ‘minimize nuclear energy’ while reading akahata newspaper, I felt I couldn’t help speaking up to object this.
I know it’s totally possible to support Japan’s energy demand without nuclear energy. Even one doubts it is, how is it possible to forget Fukushima? How is it possible to stop trying to at least reducing it?
I participated the public comment for the 7th strategic energy plan, and additionally ones for GX 2024 vision and climate strategy, as I found them altogether a webpage of International Environmental NGO Greenpeace Japan.
They are open until the tomorrow or the day after, so it’s rather a last minute, but please join if you can!
Link to the public comment submission page for the 7th strategic energy plan
Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’
I went to 5 recitals of our Tomo this month. Chopin and Schubert! How gorgeous!
Two in Kanagawa, one in Tokyo, one in Osaka and the last one in Morioka. Undoubtedly, this made may life even busier, but this month was a fruitful journey of music and other stuffs for me. Things such as reunion dinner in Kyoto with relatives, who were visiting from China at that time. My niece (cousin’s daughter, precisely speaking) is so much a heart melter that I feel it’s a shame I can’t share her photo here.
It was also a rare occasion that my brother joined us the one in Minatomirai (Kanagawa). As he normally doesn’t have many chances to go listen go classic music concerts, glad we dragged him along to one of the best ones.
Had dinner at Yokohama China Town afterwards. Perhaps the restaurant was getting ready for the Chinese New Year? Hope you’ll have a happy Chinese New Year, too.

Decoration at Manchinro Tenshinpo (photo permission granted)