東洋経済新報社『武器としての「資本論」』(白井聡 著)リンク
S. Shirai (2020) Buki to shite no Shihonron TOYO KEIZAI
過去のブログ記事 『長期腐敗体制』」参照
過去のブログ記事 『主権者のいない国』参照
過去のブログ記事 『武器としてのヒップホップ』参照
本書はマルクスの『資本論』の入門書ですが、私は 経済学部の学生時代、第1章で断念しました・・・。この本は可成りわかりやすく、とっつきやすかったので、おかげで経済学を好きになれたような気さえします。
過去のブログ記事 「きみのお金は誰のため」参照
The title translation is mine.
This is the third book of Shirai-sensei that I read.
Link to my past blog post “Long Term Corruption System”
Link to my past blog post “The Country Without Sovereigns”
Unlike previous two, which deal with politics, it is about economics, as the title indicates.
It seems that we need weapons in this era, by the way… it’s not the only book, which suggests to be armed by a weapon.
Link to my past blog post “Hip Hop as a Weapon”
This is the introductory book of Marx’s “Capital: Critique of Political Economy,” which I gave up in chapter one when I was an Economics student…. This book was pretty straightforward and accessible. I even feel that I could have become to like Economics with this book.
After reading this book, I’ve become to choose payment with cash over cashless payment methods, to keep my anonymity. Books dealing with Economics often changes my behavour as a consumer.
Link to my past blog post “Who Is Your Money for?”
Somewhat rich society of Edo era and the monstrous nature of Capitalism are other things I learned from this book.
Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’
I went to the Lautrec exhibition. It’s the first time I went to an art exhibition in quite some time. I went more often in the past, but these days, I had been busy and prioritised concerts and stages. But this time, went there to refresh from the busy and stressful life in September, and I was reassured I love fine arts as well!