映画「シン・ちむどんどん」Film “Shin Chim Dondon”



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これは「劇場版 センキョナンデス」の第2弾ですが、タイトルが示すように沖縄がテーマなようでいて、実は日本全体がテーマです。前作も良かったですが、本作は前作越えの出来です!(ストリーミングで観たお陰なのか、撮影技術が向上したのか、映像酔いもしませんでした。)
これは「劇場版 センキョナンデス」の第2弾ですが、タイトルが示すように沖縄がテーマなようでいて、実は日本全体がテーマです。前作も良かったですが、本作は前作越えの出来です!(ストリーミングで観たお陰なのか、撮影技術が向上したのか、映像酔いもしませんでした。)
過去のブログ記事「映画 『劇場版 センキョナンデス』」参照




The show poster

I’m a little sorry to share this late, as the cheapest ticket (live streaming & after talk show + access to the archive video for 7 days) is no longer sold and you may only buy 14 days archive video version or 30 days archive video version. Or going to the cinema if there’s a cinema screening near you.

However, strongly recommend this film, even though the best price ticket is no long available.
Link to the official website of “Shin Chim Dondon”

This is the part 2 of the film “Senkyonandesu the Movie”, and the title implies it’s about Okinawa, but it’s actually not about Okinawa, it’s about Japan as a whole. The previous film was also good, but this one is surpassing it! (Whether it’s because I watched it as an online streaming or because the filming quality was better, I didn’t get motion sickness either.)
Link to my past blog post “Senkyonandesu the Movie”

The fact told by the professor of the Okinawa International University was shocking, and the comments from the activists and volunteers in Okinawa are heart breaking. …That is what we people outside of Okinagawa have shown by actions. We mustn’t continue to be part of that.

It reinforced my determination to go back to Okinagawa and join activities there, as well as made me notice that we can raise our voice even here, outside of Okinawa.
The gentleman I met in Okinawa also appeared briefly in the film. Can you find him in the film?
Link to my past blog post “Not Henoko but Awa”

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

The day I watched the “Shin Chim Dondon” live streaming was quite a busy day for me. I came back from Kyoto in the morning, directly went to see ballet “Swan Lake on Water”, went to the regular political activity in front of the station afterwards, and then went to see it. It was a packed day but a very fruitful summer holiday for me.

As for the “Swan Lake on Water”, I normally prefer classical ballet and rarely watch something trying to do something unconventional, but since a friend of mine N-san asked if I’d be interested, I decided to try. The result was, it was actually beautiful, especially the Odette.