『ぜんぶ運命だったんかい』”So It Was All Destined”

亜紀書房『ぜんぶ運命だったんかい おじさん社会と女子の一生』(笛美 著)リンク
Fuemi (2021) Zenbu Unmei Dattankai Ojisan Shakai to Joshi no Isshou , Akishobo


澤藤さんのブログページ リンク











Title translation is mine. This book was recommended by a person I talked after the Marugeki Live event.
Link to my past blog post “Marugeki Live Returned!”

This book was written by Fuemi, who started the online protest against a bill, that extends the retirement age for prosecutors to keep Tokyo prosecutor Hiromu Kurokawa, so called the guardian of the Prime Minister’s Office. I knew about the bill since a couple of months before the online protest happened, thanks to my reliable information source, Sawafuji-san’s blog.
Link to Sawafuji-san’s blog

What I thought reading the blog was like, “oh dear, this is not acceptable” but at the same time, already gave up the idea of that the situation could be changed, and “Japan will be one step more distant from the constitutional state again.” So I was very glad and encouraged by the fact that it was stopped by the online protest, which I also joined later.

So I was curious to know what kind of person started the movement, and reading this book, the result came as a surprise.

I was quite surprised how “ordinary girl” Fuemi-san was. She used not to interested in politics at all. She used to see feminist as something fearful, calling “monstrous feminist aunts.” Suffered with the obsessive attention to marriage and childbirth as a career woman around 30… I wondered how could such person became to able to take such action. Reading on, it turned out that her experience of living as a intern in a country in Europe changed her life. It sounds nothing fancy, but I know how experience abroad could be eyeopening for some people. I’d really recommend you to live abroad if you have a chance, though I myself is stuck in Japan for a purpose, for now. And ideally, please come back to Japan and try together to make this society a better place.

Anyway, I was surprised how low the level of this society was. Fuemi-san is a career woman, well educated, and most of all, a person who eventually started a success online protest activity in Japan (and that is really something!). Even such person used to like Shinzo Abe as a cute school principal-like person, without knowing anything. For her, opposition parties looked like talking nonsense on and on.

Ok, this may be average Japanese girl… but that also means that people can change. We have unlimited possibilities, don’t we?

To be honest, for me, feminism or gender equality used to be just one of many issues. Of course, that is important, but for me, issues such as military expansion, existence of atomic bombs, use of nuclear power generation, climate change, water pollution… are more urgent. Threatening our lives. Or suffering of the victims of gross human rights violation (war victims, victims of the Maintenance of the Public Order Act, false accusations, the Eugenic Protection Act etc.), is more unforgivable. But come to think of it, it is true that discrimination, for female, for ethnic minorities, for people with disabilities… against whom it might be, can also be life threatening or gross violation of human rights for some cases.

This may be a good starting point for some people to think about the society you live in… feminism, politics, democracy. The book was easy to follow. Recommended.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

On my way to the office, I found a Big Issues seller. Thanks to M-chan, who reminded me of this magazine, it caught my eye and I bought it for the first time.

Link to my past blog post “The Big Issue”

Recently, I’ve had more chances to go to office and I’m reluctant to go, but after having such encounter, I feel going to office is not bad if it’s once in a while.

No. 459 themes “politics of female in their 20s”, so it suits me as well. …huh?