映画「時の行路」Film “The Journey of Time”






Last weekend, I went to a film screening event of “The Journey of Time” (translation is my own).

It themes sudden illegal laying off of temporal workers after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in 2008.

Although I had some points not satisfied in terms of film direction or a scenario I wasn’t really convinced, overall, it was a fine film with good players. Especially the actor Mr Hajime Inoue, who played the branch manager of the temporary staff recruitment agency is just marvelous. Even with such limited appearance, he looked really real, and I think I’ve never really seen such an actor with such a good acting skill.

I learned the importance of Lutte Ouvrière, or fighting against authority in general yet again. Those who cannot fight themselves, who are also depicted in the film, I hope they at least support those who fight, rather than disturbing them.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

I’ve got ill due to the hard schedule these days. I went to NYC for my business trip and have been working hard before and after the trip… against my will. The bright side was that business class travel has become an option for those who acquire certain language certificate. I took one mainly for this purpose, so it’s paid off, yay.

Anyway, I was rather reluctant to go at first, but I reunited with my ex-homestay H and classmate from post grad N each, and it was totally worth it! Plus, I enjoyed watching the musical Chicago with my colleagues and enjoyed MoMA in my free time. As for Chicago, Roxy’s played by an actor at age 59, very inspiring! What was pity was that I felt drowsy now and then because of the alcohol or because it’s English… oh dear.

In front of the Ambassador theatre