このイスラエル・パレスチナ問題の事を考えると、この問題の発端を作ったイギリスへの愛は急速に萎みます。とはいえ、やはりクリームティーは嫌いになれません。イギリスから輸入された、非常に濃厚なクロテッドクリームをゲットしました。僭越ながら、私の作るスコーンはイギリスの伝統的なレシピに基づいている、最近はかなりいい線いっていたのですが、このクロテッドクリームは私のスコーンを段違いに美味しくしてくれました。Devon Cream Company、天晴れです。実験に実験を重ね、熱処理によって保存料なしの長期冷蔵保存を可能にしました。ややお値段は張りますが、全く後悔はありません!

This is dreadful. I didn’t expect much for Biden, but still, this is too disappointing and dreadful that the US declared its continuous support for Israel. Of course, Hamas is also to be blamed, but look what Israel has done in the past, and what Israel is doing now. And the US, which backs it and prevent the international community from accusing Israel. I stand with Palestine.
Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’
Thinking about this Israeli-Palestinian conflict, my love for the UK dwindled, as it originated the issue, but I still can’t stop loving the cream tea. I got this rich clotted cream imported from the UK. I bake scones based on a traditional British recipe, and if you excuse me, it’s already very good, but this clotted cream made the cream tea the whole another level. Very very well done, Devon Cream Company, which enabled the long-term refrigerated storage without any preservatives! It’s relatively expensive, but totally worth it!
![]() | 価格:2160円 |

(Link to the product)