『吾輩は猫である』”I Am a Cat”

KADOKAWA『吾輩は猫である』(夏目漱石 著)リンク
S. Natsume I Am a Cat , KADOKAWA




そんなペースで読んでいた頃は、この本の何が面白いのか分かりませんでしたが、ある程度纏めて読んでみたら、俄然面白くなっていきました。この年になってようやく、本ってある程度一気に読むものなんだなと分かりました。(あたりめぇだよ by母)














I’ve often said that I’d like to become a bookworm, but I’ve never become one. I guess bookworm is not something you aim to become but naturally become, in the first place.

I have to admit that I’m still very very far from achieving that goal. I had been reading this book for more than 5 years… I don’t even want to count precisely.

Surprisingly long years, but you can easily take such time, if you read only two pages or so at once, once a week.

When I was reading like that, I couldn’t get what interesting about this book. However, when I started reading in chunks, it suddenly got interesting. After all these years, I learned books are something to read in chunks.

This book is not only funny but also sharp.

I felt surprised to see it was the same more than 100 years ago.

Similarly, public officials are the servants of the people and can reasonably be regarded as agents to whom the people have entrusted certain powers to be exercised on the people’s behalf in the running of public affairs. But as these officials grow accustomed to their daily control of affairs, they begin to acquire delusions of grandeur, act as though the authority they exercise was in fact their own and treat the people as though the people had no say in the matter.

From “I Am a Cat” translated by Aiko Ito & Graeme Wilson

As below, I also found Meiji Era might have been actually better than now.

But nowadays there are strict limits upon the power of peers and even ministers to compel the individual. To put the matter bluntly, we are witnessing a period when, the greater the power of the authorities, the greater the resistance they’ll encounter.

From “I Am a Cat” translated by Aiko Ito & Graeme Wilson

Anyway, it’s fun to read and recommend it!

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

Went to a classical concert, called Suginami Public Hall series by The Japan Philharmonic Orchestra (JPO), as Tomoharu Ushida would appear as the soloist. Mozart always make you feel good. Our Tomo’s play was enrapturing, even more improved.

Though I prefer works in major keys than minor keys in general, “Mozart Piano Concerto No. 24” played by them was so beautiful and made me feel good.
The JPO’s woodwind players are also very good. So both “L’Arlésienne” and “Boléro” were also outstanding.

The concert poster