労働組合の定期全国大会 Labour Union Conference







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One of this week’s highlight was the labour union’s conference.

I just joined the labour union after reading Kohei Saito’s “Das Kapital im Anthropozän”, but it was lucky that the labour union I’m in is a genuine one, while there are so many false labour unions.
I didn’t even know that there are 3 unions at the company and I just happened to joined one of them, so I actually attended the conference without even knowing what it was about, but it was good, after all.
(sounds like stupid lol let’s expect for more growth in near future!)

I started feeling from the regular reporting, but its attitude to always have the eye of criticism to the company, president, or governing party, made me self reflect my attitude to just say ‘Oh well, I see’ to what the authorities say.
I’m still trying to get rid of what Shinji Miyadai says ‘slave of the law’, and changing the ‘law’ is even harder…

I will bring up each of “Das Kapital im Anthropozän” and labour union more in detail later!

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that
I watched a play for the first time in a long time.
It was the first time to watch Zenshinza stage, but it was a orthodox comedy and fun.
Written and directed by Yoji Yamada!

Link to the Zenshinza website

Zenshinza is doing crowdfunding until the end of October, and I also supported a little!

Link to the crowdfunding webpage

Despite the COVID19, I hope we can save the art and culture.