映画 “Sings from Nature”



キャンペーンの主催者である350 JAPANは、今月28日に最新のIPCC(気候変動に関する政府間パネル)レポートが発表されることに合わせ、350 JAPANのドキュメンタリー映画「Signs from Nature」を1週間限定で無料公開しています。




Tomato sauce past with bacon and mozzarella (half potion) (photo permission granted) 

Moshimoshi Campaign ended the other day, exceeded more than 100 participants, and that means it achieved its campaign goal. Good work, everyone! This may be a small but I believe is a firm step.
Link to my past blog post “Telephone Campaign”

The campaign’s organiser 350 JAPAN has been offering free online viewing of its documentary film, “Sings from Nature” for a week, coinciding with the newest IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report being issued on 28th this month.

The film is short (just 22 minutes) and approaches climate change as a familiar issue as it actually is, so it’s a good introduction for those who are still not very familiar with climate change.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

As my stay in Morioka is limited time, I eat out rather often, trying to make the most of my time.

My first lunch here this time was at a popular ‘Iwatelian (Iwate + Italian)’ restaurant Chatons! What a rich lunch time, considering it’s a weekday.

Tilefish and maitake mashroom with Américaine sauce (photo permission granted)