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近頃、我儘な弟との同居生活に辟易しているので、最近はよく新しいところに引っ越す事を夢見ています。しかし、世田谷に引っ越すか杉並に引っ越すか、それが問題だ 。
Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful.
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
近頃酷いニュースばかりですが、keep calm and carry on(こちらも有名なイギリスのフレーズ)でいきたいと思います。
Shakespeare, W. A Midsummer Night’s Dream , Kenkyusha
研究社『真夏の夜の夢』(ウィリアム・シェイクスピア 著)リンク
I thought of moving out from Tokyo during the previous Tokyo gubernatorial Election. I thought I couldn’t bear to keep being part of Tokyo residents, who elect Yuriko Koike twice. Not much to have expected for the rival candidates either until Taro Yamamoto joined the race. (After reading Sawafuji-san’s blog, I also knew that Kenji Utsunomiya is not an ideal candidate either. I actually complained to JCP about it supporting him, but it didn’t stop, so I’m holing it in my heart that it abandoned people in Tokyo!)
Anyway, Yuriko Koike, who achieved 0% of public commitment, won again and I was about to look for a new place to move to, but stopped because Setagaya Ward started trying what was called “Setagaya model”, by which people can take PCR test anytime, anywhere and how many times, partnered with Tatsuhiko Kodama sensei.
Kodama sensei appeared as the guest at the 1,000th Marugeki of videonews.com
Link to the digest version
but I originally became to know about him thanks to Sawafuji-san.
Link to Sawafuji-san’s blog
I’m not sure how much this model helped lives of Setagaya people, but the Ward Mayor Hosaka-san is a person who receives advice from Miyadai sensei anyway… so I concluded that his ward administration should be better.
But watching Satoko Kishimoto san, the new Ward Mayor of Suginami Ward talks, it appealed a lot to me.
Link to the digest version
I’ve been a little fed up with living with a selfish brother of mine recently, so dreaming of moving to a new place these days. But then, I move to Setagaya (again), or to Suginami, that is a question.
Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’
Speaking of Shakespeare… my aunt loves his works, but I only read “Hamlet” and “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”… and I don’t have much to talk about… well it was tough. (tried to read in English but completely relied on Japanese translation… well, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is fun.)
I also love the ballet “The Dream” based on “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, but since I couldn’t find a video, in which my favourite dancers play main roles, I can’t recommend here either.
So let me introduce two quotes from Shakespeare. These are actually my favourite mottoes despite my unfamiliarity with Shakespeare.
Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful.
William Shakespeare
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
William Shakespeare
There are many terrible news these days, but let’s keep calm and carry on – another famous saying in the UK.