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(2022/11/13 23:17時点)

I’m sorry to confess that I didn’t know about Alaa. He is a pro-democracy activist, who has been imprisoned in Egypt for about 10 years for “spreading false news”. He had been on hanger strike to protest human rights violation, and he has accelerated his strike ahead of the COP 27, risking his life.

How can people claim climate justice when actually doing/overlooking human rights violation?

I also signed a petition to free Alaa here. Please join if you can.
Link to a petition on Change.org

Of course Alaa isn’t the only one whose human rights is violated. We can easily imagine similar situations in many countries… But trying to free Alaa can also be one step taken to the world, where human rights are protected. Not to mention this violation of human rights itself is not acceptable. Alaa shows incredible strength…. I imagine his enthusiasm for democracy may help him keep ‘not yet been defeated’. Still, we need to free Alaa before it’s too late.

You may learn more about Alaa here.

Celebrities such as Mark Ruffalo and Carey Mulligan also join the #FreeAlaa activity.

I’ve become to know about Alaa through an article by Saito-sensei.
Link to the related Twitter post

The article itself was very thought-provoking and was a very good learning for me, but I was surprised to see so many negative comments on the thread…. As a self claimed art lover, I also feel a bit painful to hear that Gogh’s masterpiece was attacked. But what this action tells me more is how desperate they were or how serious the situation is.
Doesn’t the article say that the art itself wasn’t hurt? I feel envious to the UK, whose majority of people support the action. So as when the withdrawal of Truss happened. It also showed things such as that democracy still functions in the UK.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

Speaking of Carey Mulligan, I haven’t really watched her film, but I think “A Promising Young Woman”, which I’ve recently watched on the airplane to California was a good film. Not the happy ending type story that I like, though.