世界環境デー World Environment Day 2022                                         

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グリーンウォッシングといえば、我らがMI☆KI☆SHI(日本共産党参議院議員 大門実紀史)スーパーシティー(監視社会に繋がる恐れがある)に、関係のないSDGsをもってくる政府を糾弾しているシーンを今でも覚えています。(MI☆KI☆SHIの質疑は2時間47分40秒頃からです)
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Salmon and leek pasta
おしゃべりクッキングから、サーモンとねぎのパスタ (Oshaberi Cooking recipe, aired on 21st February, 2018)                                            

As today is the World Environment Day, I wanted to do something good for environment and thought of sharing L’Occitane’s donation campaign, but then, I received an email to alert green washing from International Environmental NGO Greenpeace.
Link to the International Environmental NPO Greenpeace Japan webpage

Speaking of green washing, I still remember when our MI☆KI☆SHI (JCP’s Councilor, Mikishi Daimon) pointed out government using unrelated ‘SDGs’ for Super City(, which has a risk of leading to a surveillance society). (MI☆KI☆SHI’s inquiry starts around 2h47m40s of the video.)
Link to the archive video

My mother and I are self claimed the 1st and the 2nd fan club members of his, and I’ll talk about him more at a later blog post.

Back on topic, green washing is really annoying…. I truly want something more environmentally friendly but I often can’t judge if the object is really ethical. We need to be careful not to be deceived by products/services that claim themselves as environmentally friendly when the truth is not.

I’ve judged this L’Occitane’s campaign doesn’t seem like a green washing.
Link to the L’occitane webpage
You answer the quiz and get the ‘voting right’ for which NPO to donate to, and L’Occitane donates in behalf of you.

Other things I did on this World Environment Day are;

These actions are all tiny actions, but that’s why easy for everyone to try. Even if you’ve missed World Environment Day and Environment Month (June), not a problem at all. In fact, I think every day should be the Environment Day, as there’s not a moment to lose for the Earth.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

As mentioned above, today’s lunch was meat free pasta from Oshaberi Cooking. My brother likes pastas so I often cook pastas when he is around.