530企画 “Zero Waste” Campaign



国際環境NGOグリーンピースジャパンのキャンペーンページ リンク






fried fava bean and scallop (photo permission granted)

Since 30th May is the zero waste day in Japan, International Environmental NGO Greenpeace Japan started a social media hashtag campaign with photos of shopping using reusable bottles or containers. I rarely go to a kind of cafe that normally uses disposable cups and use delicatessens, so I haven’t got a chance to take a photo yet, but may be until when the campaign ends on 30th June.

If you have a chance, please join us!
Link to the International Environmental NGO Greenpeace Japan campaign page

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

A colleague of mine, H-san, is super foodie, and often take us to nice restaurants. Her being gourmet grew stronger and she now even became a judge of cooking contest, and befriended with a teacher from Tsuji Culinary Institute of my dream! I don’t socialise much (well, at least by my standard) these days but I can’t resist to go when she asks, because I live to eat.

I noticed recently that she’s always ordered fav bean dishes. I’ve never interested in fava beans as I’m a big fan of edamame beans, but I found fava beans are also nice, thanks to her.

Photo is from Haru in Kyoto though, not one of those restaurant that I went with her.