先日、ご近所のHさん (過去のブログ記事「ウクライナへの連帯表明」参照)が、日本共産党のオンライン演説会を見てください、と我が家に言いに来たので、本日途中からですが見ました。
オンライン演説会アーカイブ動画 リンク
ツイッター投稿 リンク

(right) Shellmirac’s scallop shell eco washing powder and my refill jar
(右)シェルミラック ホタテ貝のエコ洗剤パウダーと入れ替え用の瓶
Our neighbour H-san (Link to my past blog post “Stand with Ukraine”) visited our home the other day to advertise JCP’s online speech meeting today, so I watched it from the middle.
Link to the archive video
To be honest, I don’t think the way the chairman Shii makes speech attract people’s attention. Talking phrase by phrase and it really sounds like he’s ‘making a speech’. What he talks weren’t bad though. Especially the part he introduced the peace initiatives of ASEAN was persuasive. According to ASEAN, the success secret is dialogues. How often they have dialogues is astonishing, more than 1,000 times a year within ASEAN. That means 3 or 4 times a day in average. It’s imaginable that if people talk that often, they wouldn’t feel like fighting each other. That’s ‘we need to talk’
In the unlikely event that you suspect that JCP would share similar ideas with Russia, I’d like to clarify that Russia’s (then Soviet’s) self claimed ‘communist’ party dissolved more than 30 years ago, and its policies were more of hegemonism than communism. By the way, regarding Japanese Communist Party same as Communist Party of China is as irrelevant as regarding Labour Party (of the UK) same as the Worker’s Party of North Korea, as Kihei-sama (Kihei Maekawa) pointed out.Link to the Twitter post
Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’
It was a lovely day today. So I did some laundries.
I’d like to introduce the detergents I’m using today.
For normal clothing, I use laundry powder, which is made only with scallop shell and vinegar. What’s good about this product is that it gradually cleans up mould in the laundry tub while doing the laundries, though I haven’t really felt the effect yet…
For delicate clothing, I use La Lessive Au Bamboo’s laundry and kitchen soap (100% natural bamboo mineral detergent). I get it as selling by measure at Futakotamagawa’s lifestyle shop 85.
![]() | ホタテ貝のエコ洗濯パウダー 600g 洗濯用洗剤 洗濯 貝殻 ホタテ 貝 粉末 洗剤 手荒れ 服 洗剤 衣服 クリーニング 価格:4,400円 |

(Link to the product)
![]() | たけ ランドリー&キッチンソープ(2L)【ラレシーブオーバンブー】 価格:3,715円 |

(Link to the product)