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When Russia’s military aggression started, there wasn’t much information about how we could support Ukraine. Now there are some information about aids.
Link to my past blog post “I Condemn Russias Military Aggression”
Embassy of Ukraine in Japan also posted it bank account information to receive donation for humanitarian support.
Link to the Twitter post
I also donated some for UNHCR (The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) for humanitarian support. It happened to be eligible for tax exemption, by the way.Link to the UNHCR website
Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’
Today’s the Girl’s Festival. Though I’ve never displayed the dolls for nearly 20 years, I’ve got to see great dolls this year.
I visited neighbour H-san’s home to see 87 years old dolls!
Heard it’s rather rare that the emperor is on the left (from facing position) though it’s Kyoto style dolls.
H-san is about the same age as the dolls, and a bill collector of the newspaper Akahata (=red flag) Sunday edition. My mother subscribes the newspaper, but I probably read only 10% of it… I feel I should pay more attention to current topics…. It’s not even daily, it’s weekly!
H-san and her husband both have a lot of hobbies, are very active and surrounded by many friends. I feel I saw a kind of ideal retirement life.