ヘイト企業と取引する企業 Company Business with Hate Company





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From Oshaberi Cooking appendix, apple caramel cake and from the recipe book at the bottom, gianduja gelato

It’s not because I critisised Mizuho, SMBC and MUFJ the other day, but I’d like to talk about Resona Bank today.

Company called DHC is one of those companies that I think I should definitely boycott at any cost. As I believe shopping is voting, I have many companies I boycott. And discrimination is not the only reason why we should boycott DHC, but I’ll talk about these maybe later, and today, I’d like to talk about companies, which continue business with discriminatory company.

In November 2020, shameless DHC posted hate message on its official website. The comments are deleted now, but it was filled with discriminatory words to Koreans in Japan.

I read the BuzzFeed article, in which the reactions of the companies, which have business with DHC and received request for appropriate actions, issued by a NPO dealing with human rights.
Link to the article

Resona Bank was one of those refrained from giving individual answers. As I had its bank account, I decided to ask if they consider any actions regarding this.

At first, I called at the headquarter. The person who received call said that he couldn’t get what I meant without I show him the article I was referring. He insisted that it couldn’t be answered unless I go to nearby brunch with the article. (Seriously? You’re not aware of the criticisms on your business? Wasn’t it a bit of buzz?)

Anyway, in the midst of the pandemic last summer, I went to the nearby branch and asked the same question. “I read a BuzzFeed article and it says that your bank avoided individual answer regarding a NPO’s request to take appropriate action about your business partner DHC, repeatedly uses hate words. Does Resona Bank has any plan to take any action?”

After the branch manager checked that I was just a customer, he answered immediately that “We have no plans to take any action on this matter at all.”

So I closed the account. …couldn’t be answered over the phone?
I opened its account because Resona bank was the first big bank declared banning of loans to nuclear manufacturing companies. Sigh. It’s difficult that everything is good.

Many companies prioritise its business over rightness, human rights or environment. Though I feel they’re shortsighted, I must admit that there’s not enough public opinion to impact on such follower companies yet…

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

I’d rather receive than give on Valentine’s Day, but I always give to my brother as an exception.

I know he prefers luxury chocolates than I bake, but I ignore it.

Cake was a familiar recipe but it was my first gelato, or hand made ice cream in general. Choices are rather limited without ice cream maker, but it was ok considering that.

I started baking without apples in apple cake on the other hand. I wondered if I was ok.

世界文化社「おうちで作るイタリアンジェラート」(齋藤 由里 著)リンク
Saito, Y. (2017) Le Ricette Del Gelato , Sekaibunka