『ゼロ・ウェイスト・ホーム』”Zero Waste Home”

ゼロ・ウェイスト・ホーム ごみを出さないシンプルな暮らし [ ベア・ジョンソン ]

(2022/4/10 22:09時点)

KTC中央出版『ゼロ・ウェイスト・ホーム ごみを出さないシンプルな暮らし』(ベア・ジョンソン 著、服部 雄一郎 訳)リンク
Johnson, B. (2013) Zero Waste Home , Scribner











I didn’t read it all. I just skimmed it through. I thought it’s the way of thinking I should refer to, rather than using it as a text book for zero waste lifestyle.

Using my bottle and reusable bag unfortunately won’t change the situation, won’t stop climate change. That’s what Saito-sensei said, but that is exactly how the author Bea Johnson started off from. However, she went until the far edge and now there’s no doubt that if everyone does like she does, the situation would change.

Annual waste generated from her home with 4 family members and a dog, can be accommodated in 1L of jar. It looks as if she produces all things but raw materials by herself, from cosmetic, cleansers and medicine, which are normally chemically compounded, to things, which have always been there, such as stationary like paper and paints. She also substitute many things with limited resources. Herbs can be used as brush, pillow case can be used as bread bag, etc. etc.

Two factors makes her book more accessible. One is that she looks like an amateur in a good way. She started from rereading “Little House on the Prairie”, and researched and experimented a lot to devise her methods. The other is that her lifestyle still looks fashionable.

I’m originally trying to reduce waste and think the ultimate goal would be the zero waste, especially after watching the film “The Story of Plastic”, but I can’t follow them all.
Link to my past blog post “Film ‘THE STORY OF PLASTIC'”

I’d go crazy if I tried. But I can definitely push forward another step or two, or three. Question myself; Do I really want this from my heart? Don’t I already have this? Isn’t it unhealthy to have this? Does it worth using my valuable time?

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

Last weekend, I went to Gunma to go to Tomoharu Ushida’s concert. Last time in Chiba, his Chopin Piano Concerto #2 was so good. I can now finally recall how all the movements are like.

As his CD’s not released yet, perhaps Zimerman’s performance is good for now.

ショパン:ピアノ協奏曲第1番・第2番 [ クリスチャン・ツィメルマン ]

(2022/7/9 18:39時点)

(link to the product)

I couldn’t stay overnight this time, but Gunma’s udon was also so nice!