映画 「ストーリーオブプラスチック」 Film “THE STORY OF PLASTIC”


国際環境NGOグリーンピース・ジャパンの紹介で、「THE STORY OF PLASTIC」という映画を8/28のオンラインイベントで鑑賞しました。





「ストーリーオブプラスチック」アニメ部分の動画 リンク
このチャンネルでは他の諸問題の「ストーリー」も 紹介しており、あとでそれらも見てみたいと思います。

実際にはごみゼロ生活は結構難しそうですが、一歩ずつsmall stepsで取り組んでいきたいと思います。


small stepsと言えば、『歩く SMALL STEPS』という本が好きです。

全米図書館賞を受賞したルイス・サッカー著の『穴 HOLES』という本がお気に入りで、そのスピンオフです。

ディズニー実写版 「穴 HOLES」 も期待を裏切りません。著者が脚本を書いたそうで、だからか、と思いました。


穴/HOLES [ シガニー・ウィーヴァー ]

(2022/7/9 18:23時点)

講談社『穴』(ルイス・サッカー 著)リンク
Sachar, L. (1998) HOLES , Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Introduced by International Environmental NGO Greenpeace Japan, I watched the film “THE STORY OF PLASTIC” at the online film viewing event on 28th August.

It’s becoming commonsense that plastic is not good for environment, but I didn’t know the details much, so I it was really a good opportunity to know more.

Where does the piles of piles of plastic on the beach come from? Is plastic bad because CO2 is emitted when it’s burned, and can’t easily return to the soil either? Are these processes generate micro plastic as well?

In conclusion, the plastic is harmful to environmental throughout the whole life cycle!

While the film’s part introducing the voices of those who nearby clean river was contaminated, or who are the victims of the air pollution from the plastic factories are also very striking, but animation part was very easy to understand, and may stimulate interest of more people.

Link to the animated short video of “The Story of Plastic”
This channel seems to have more “stories” on other issues, so I’m interested in watching some more later!

I think zero waste lifestyle would be easier said than done, but I’d like to try small steps.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

Speaking of ‘small steps’, I like a book “SMALL STEPS”.

It’s a spin off to my favourite, the National Book Award winning book “HOLES” by Louis Sachar.

The Disney film version of “HOLES” won’t fail you either. Learned that the script was written by the author, and I thought that’s why.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t released in the cinemas in Japan though it was a big hit in the US. What a misjudgement!

穴 HOLES [ ルイス・サッカー ]

(2022/7/9 18:22時点)