ファッションと環境勉強会 Study Session on Fashion and Environment                                                         




  • 洗濯の際にポリエステルの服を洗うと目に見えないマイクロプラスチックが流れ出てしまうこと
  • 日本は98%の服を輸入に頼っていること
  • 服を作る過程で有毒化学物質が作られ、発展途上国の環境を破壊し、一部商品には有毒化学物質が残っていること(国際環境NGOグリーンピースのキャンペーンによって多くのブランドが「デトックス」を宣言したということではありますが)









「good on you」というアプリでブランドのサステイナブル度を調べること。今日の主催者の方が、本当にその商品がサステイナブルなものなのか調べるのには時間がかかるけれど、でも私たちは物を買う時にそうやって時間をかけなければならないのだ、と言っていました。こうしたアプリも全て鵜呑みにできないかもしれませんが、参考にはなると思います。



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Today, I joined study session on fashion and environment, held by a volunteer group of International Environmental NGO Greenpeace Japan.

I often read articles regarding sustainable fashion by fashion magazines like ELLE, and have always been interested in sustainable way of enjoying fashion.

Today’s main learning is things like below.

  • Laundry of clothing made from polyester makes invisible micro plastic flow out.
  • In Japan, 98% of clothing is exported from overseas.
  • Toxic chemicals are generated during the process of making clothes and destroy environment of developing countries, and sometimes remain in the product. (Some brands then declared ‘detox’, after the campaign by International Environmental NGO Greenpeace.)

I threw out a question regarding the good way of home laundry in advance, and though they said they’re not familiar with the topic very much, they prepared answers by interviewing some experts.
According to them, clothing made with animal hair such as wool can be washed like washing your hair (with shampoo&conditioner).

We also had a group discussion and it was a well organised session!

★Currently doing

I already talked a little here.
Link to my past blog post “Fashion Charity Project”

Other than that, I try to purchase clothing made from 100% natural material (organic if that’s possible) and try to purchase domestic product.

★Action items (take away from the study session)

Ware clothing I already have more often. (I have a tendency to be frugal, so I feel my favourite clothing are too good to ware casually… that’s a waste, on the contrary!)

Wash clothing less (= wash as necessary).

Search sustainable brands by app ‘good on you’. Today’s organiser said it takes time to find out if the thing one wants to buy is a sustainable product, but we must take time to make decision to buy. It’s not that we should totally rely on apps, but it can be a good reference.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

I saw the rumor that says ABC TV’s Oshaberi Cooking I mentioned in previous article will end next spring. I was so shocked that I submitted an opinion against it. Please also submit yours if you could!

Link to the ABC TV website

Oshaberi Cooking in the ‘TV Programme List’ at the bottom -> ‘Opinions and Feedback’
(Sorry it’s cumbersome but it doesn’t allow direct linking to the individual page)

I think dining (and fun chatting) is very important. Even when having a rough time, delicious meals everyday help me to get through. (too simple?)