おいしいもの食べて生きていきたいの I’d Like to Live Eating Delicious Food









ふしぎなおきゃく第2版 [ 肥田美代子 ]

(2024/2/18 23:03時点)

M. Hida and S. Okamoto Fushigi na Okyaku, Hisakata Child
ひさかたチャイルド『ふしぎなおきゃく』(肥田美代子 作、岡本颯子 絵)リンク

This is the blog title I thought of once. A gourmet blog.

But it was changed to more social blog as you can see.

Once I thought of trying to change jobs at Oisix Ra Daichi. I have different goals now, so not anymore, but at that time, I wanted to change jobs at organisations, which approach environmental issues.

So its combination of food x environment was perfect for me, who lives to eat.

However now I’m relieved that I stopped finding job there, having seen that its chairman’s decent comment was targeted as the company’s disciplinary committee, and eventually, the chairman left the company.

Mr. Fujita mentioned on Twitter such as, contaminated water doesn’t need to be released into the ocean, if that’s safe, and shouldn’t be released, if that’s not safe. What’s wrong about this comment? It IS contaminated water. In overseas, it’s even more precisely called as radioactive water.

I guessed this person must have been decent, as he appeared on videonews.com at once (though I wasn’t a subscriber at that time and couldn’t watch the whole programme), and that was actually why I thought of finding jobs at Oisix Ra Daichi in the first place. Also, he’s from Iwate, my home prefecture!
Link to the digest version

Now that Mr. Fujita left the company I actively boycott Oisix.

Hinodeya Ramen (photo permission granted)