相変わらずギリギリの寄付月間 Last Minute Giving December as Usual





また、UNHCRのWinter Appealがとても身に染みたので、そちらにも再度寄付しました。
UNHCRのWinter Appealページ リンク







rice flour dumpling parfait at CAFEDICT (photo permission granted)                                                            

In order to be in time for the tax-deductible contribution for 2022, it’s already last minute now. Already not in time for some donation recipients.

So for 2022, apart from below donations already mentioned,

I newly donated to below organisations, which I think can still issue tax-deductible contribution certificate in time.

I also donated to UNHCR again, as its winter appeal was especially appealing to me.
Link to the UNHCR winter appeal

When I soak myself in a warm bath, I often feel how cold it was, and each time I shiver to think how dreadful it would be to be in such colder places without warmth….

I gave up donating to political parties this year, as there won’t be a national election next year. Yeah, I know they may always need… but let me consider each local election basis.

I also donated to Hibakusha support aid again, but didn’t donate to Peshawar-kai (applied for a membership instead).

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

My brother often irritates me (or he makes me mad, to be straight) and I need something sweet! Especially parfait is soothing in such situation. Fortunately, I found very lovely parfait that I definitely have often.