私の参院選争点 My Points of Contention for the Upper House Election #2








更に悪いことに、環境エネルギー政策研究所の所長の飯田 哲也さんによると、日本はこの目標さえ達成できなそうだという事です。飯田さんによると、現在の電力不足の問題はエネルギーガバナンスの問題であって、総供給量の問題ではなく、重要なのは発電所と送電網の適切な分離だという事です。






Concert Programme

What is the center of my interest?

Food. …No, environmental issues and climate change.

It’s rather regrettable, it’s probably because of lack of people’s interest in energy policy last time during Lower House election or something, some political parties seem to have changed their strategies and put low priority on energy policy this time. The other parties have low interest in means to stop climate change in the first place.

But let’s try to evaluate even with limited source. Again, videonews.com provides good material.
Link to the digest version

LDP, Ishin and National Democratic Party are all tied with concession held by an electric power companies. It can easily be observed with their policy advocacy. Keeping thermal power stations, or even trying to increase it, and also insist using use nuclear power plants.

Voting for LDP may also indicate that you support 6th Basic Energy Plan, to which I showed my opposition by public comment (it was actually my first public comment participation, and completely ignored). 6th Basic Energy Plan only aims 59% of non-fossil energy ratio by 2030, while some other countries aim higher (for example, Denmark and Germany aim 100% non-fossil energy by 2035). It also aims around 20% of nuclear energy, doubled than now.

What’s worse, the head of Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies (ISEP), Tetsunari IIda points out that even this plan is not very likely to be achievable with current state. He also explains current electricity shortage is matter of energy governance rather than total supply, and what we need is the proper system of separation of electrical power production from power distribution and transmission.

While many countries are shifting to stable solar-generated electricity, it’s so irritating that solar-generated electricity in Japan is hindered by concession held by an electric power companies.

It seems SDP’s manifest looks the best this time, though I vote for JCP, judging by individual member basis. To be honest, JCP Upper House members tend to be much more attractive than JCP Lower House members. Tamutomo (Tomoko Tamura), MI☆KI☆SHI (Mikishi Daimon), Taku Yamazoe, Kotaro Tatsumi. Akko (Akiko Kurabayashi) and Akkie (Akira Koike) are not subject to re-election this time though.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

I shortened my business trip to watch the concert of the pianists, Tomoharu Ushida and Yukio Yokoyama. Surprisingly, it was a concert with electronic pianos. At first, I doubted if electronic piano concert was worth going, but since the venue was rather convenient place to go for me, I went.

The result was surprisingly good. Especially Beethoven’s “The Destiny Symphony” arranged for piano duo was superb, perhaps because it’s originally not for piano anyway.