澤藤さんのブログページ リンク
It is very ominous that there are voices, which say Japan needs to increase defense costs, to 2% of its GDP, here and there.
Putting my personal opinion aside, let’s say that we need to enhance ‘self defense’ force. I still found convincing explanations of why increasing defense costs is not necessary.
For one thing, we should review efficiency of the use of defense costs, before jumping on the option of increasing the budget. Weapon purchase from US used to be around 50 billion JPY per year before the former Prime Minister Abe, but it became more than 10 times (highest was 700 billion JPY in 2019) during Abe administration. Abe’s buying explosives forced Self-Defense Force to manage its needs with rest of the budget. No wonder defense costs increased year by year. Reviewing existing cost before increasing budget is commonsense for business. Why wouldn’t that be for the national budget? Extra 5 trillion JPY of defense costs could be used as many areas, such as free higher education, free medical care, free school meal for childcare etc. instead. This Marugeki episode is insightful.
Link to the digest version
For another, we have some areas of prioritisation. With such low self sufficiency in both food and energy, we would fail as soon as food and energy supplies were stopped. There’s no need for weapon to conquer Japan. Fukabori TV is also a good reference.
Link to the free first half video
Lawyer and blogger Sawafuji-san introduced Upper House election candidates Yamazoe Taku kun’s speech. In my summary, he points out that it’s unreasonable that when we consider consumption tax reduction, people ask ‘how do we fund?’, but when defense costs increase is considered, how we fund becomes less of an issue.
Link to Sawafuji-san’s blog
For those who would like to increase defense budget with your money (tax), do you really feel that’s the priority for you? I hope you conclude so, at least after reviewing how current level of budget is actually consumed.
For those who think we’ve got more things to do than increasing enhancing self defense by increasing defense costs, please vote for Taku Yamazoe and/or Japanese Communist Party, or at least those who know how to spend our tax better.
Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’
I went to a business trip to LA. That’s my excuse for not updating this blog these days.
Due to fewer passengers or something, both inbound and outbound flights were upgraded to business class. I didn’t know there’s such a world like this… so comfortable and not tiring at all. I thought now that I use flights less, why don’t I upgrade my rare flights to that of business class? But then, there’s this dilemma that I use less flight means I can earn less frequent flyers points to use for upgrading….
The business trip itself was so much fun, though I’m a little worried if I got COVID with such crowd at LA Convention Center. Anime Expo was held offline for the first time in 2 years.
Seeing so many fans of Japanese contents such as anime and manga, and sometimes Japan and Japanese culture, I felt I’ve got try more, to make this deteriorated Japan better. It’s really sad to let down those who like Japan.
So I start off with introducing the politicians I highly recommend.

Sky view from business class seat