映画「ソニータ」Film “Sonita”






「Daughters for Sale」ミュージック動画 リンク




カフェ・トーク アーカイブ動画 リンク





長い長い道のり(long, long way to go)といえば、ヘレン・レディの「I Am Woman(私は女)」という曲を思い出します。とっても力強い、女性のエンパワーメントソングです!私の3大自分応援ソングの1つでもあります。

Helen Reddy / I Am Woman 輸入盤 【CD】

(2022/4/10 22:14時点)

This is a documentary film about a girl rapper.

She was born in Afghanistan, escaped to Iran and became illegal immigrant, then aims to become a rapper, while having therapy to heal her mental scars at a child shelter.

In Afghanistan, a sort of human trafficking is called as tradition. Children, more often girls, are sold to men, who are often married and far older than girls, as a bride by their parents.

Sonita’s mother also tried to sell Sonita for the money, which would provide Sonita’s older brother with marriage money….

Sonita managed to create this video, while facing such crisis, and her life starts to move…
Link to the “Daughters for Sale” music video

I used not to understand what’s good about rap, but after watching this video, I became to understand that this message can be told by rap the best. Neither melodious music nor sentences can tell better.

The film screening was part of ‘gender cafe’ online event by JCP. Great job!

After watching it, it was explained that Taliban is often talked about when Afghanistan is concerned, but there are more issues. The patriarchal authority was introduced as the root of the problems.

The session was followed by ‘cafe talk.’
Link to the archive video

One thing talked there is that it’s frustrating that some points out that in the previous Lower House Election, those who spoke for gender equality lost.

It reminds me of what Shinji Miyadai said. People care their employment and income more, things such as gender equality doesn’t quite appeal to them.

That may be true. But I think we have no choice but to keep continuing. Even though it doesn’t bloom this time, we need to take steps on this long, long way to go.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

This ‘long, long way to go’ reminds me of “I Am Woman” by Helen Reddy. Very powerful, women empowerment song! This is also one of the best three songs to cheer me up.